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ISO 45001 Food Safety Management Systems

ISO 45001 Food Safety Management Systems

G-CERTI one of the fast growing companies in the world with operations in more than 22 companies across the globe including Canada, Italy, Spain, Korea, Romania, South Africa, Nigeria, Georgia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Indonesia, Iran, Pakistan, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, UAE, Egypt, India, Turkey and Singapore.

G-CERTI one of the fast growing companies in the world with operations in more than 22 companies across the globe including Canada, Italy, Spain, Korea, Romania, South Africa, Nigeria, Georgia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Indonesia, Iran, Pakistan, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, UAE, Egypt, India, Turkey and Singapore. G-CERTI is accredited with International Accreditation Services (IAS) of United States and among very few companies are offering North American accredited certifications in Canada. Lead Auditor Training Programs of G-CERTI are approved by Exemplar Global formally RABQSA, the largest personal certification body in North America.

G-CERTI one of the fast growing companies in the world with operations in more than 22 companies across the globe including Canada, Italy, Spain, Korea, Romania, South Africa, Nigeria, Georgia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Indonesia, Iran, Pakistan, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, UAE, Egypt, India, Turkey and Singapore.

Romania, South Africa, Nigeria, Georgia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Indonesia, Iran, Pakistan, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, UAE, Egypt, India, Turkey and Singapore. G-CERTI is accredited with International Accreditation Services (IAS) of United States and among very few companies are offering North American accredited certifications in Canada. Lead Auditor Training Programs of G-CERTI are approved by Exemplar Global formally RABQSA, the largest personal certification body in North America.