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Environmental Management System (ISO 14001) – Certification

ISO 14001 certification - Environmental Management System

What is ISO 14001 Certification?

ISO 14001 certification is an international standard that specifies the requirements to establish, implement, maintain and continually improve an Environmental Management System (EMS). This ISO standard also helps an organization to achieve the intended outcomes of its environmental management system and the value for the environment.

Who should implement ISO 14001 certification?

Any organization, regardless of its type, size, the products and services can implement this standard to meet environmental requirements/expectations of customers, community and other interested parties.

What are the key benefits of ISO 14001 Certification?

  • Improves environmental performance of organization and supply chain
  • Helps to achieve environmental objectives
  • Helps to fulfil the ISO certification compliance obligations
  • Helps to identify and meet the expectations of interested parties
  • Enhance corporate image and credibility of an organization to get more business
  • Potentially lowers the insurance premium after getting the certification of ISO 14001
  • Engages and motivates staff with improved environmental conditions
  • Reduces cost associated with environmental accidents, injuries and ill-health
  • Provides competitive advantage due to reduced costs and improved performance of EMS
  • Reduces cost associated with environmental penalties if implemented effectively
  • Reduces cost associated with utilities due to conservation of resources
  • Reduces cost associated with waste, raw material and operating supplies
  • Reduces cost due to recycling programs
  • Provides guidelines for the assessment of environmental aspects, associated impacts and implement required controls
  • Potentially reduces audit frequency from regulators and other interested parties
  • Demonstrates “Due Diligence” to create legally defensible position against possible lawsuits